
Welcome on the internet-site of event amateurradiostation PG6N Noordwijk. This station is activated on August 17th 2002. Also this callsign will be used during all activity's from- and nearby the Noordwijk Lighthouse, ARLS-NET019, ILLW-NL0009. The main activity will be the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW), during the 3rd weekend of August by members of the local VERON. Also this callsign will be used during European Heritage Days in the Netherlands the 2nd weekend of September. From August 2002 until August 2009 the callsign PI4LDN/L of VERON-Leiden has been used.
Also the Noordwijk Lighthouse has been used for the event-amateuradiostation PB6KNRM. This was the first operational day of the new Noordwijk KNRM life boat "Paul-Johannes". In september 2009, during the European Heritage Day, the callsign PA09MONUMENT has been used. Since 2010 the station is also active during the National Lifeboat Day and The Sea Week (Week van de Zee)
During all activity's we are QRV on
145.387.5 MHz and 433.387.5 MHz
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New on YouTube: The PB6REM new Video

Saving a sailing Monument
PB6KNRM Katwijk